Vortrag | Diskussion

Stakes of Democracy: Trust, Nature and Value in Times of Crises

How crises make tangible what is at stake in democracy

14. Nov 2024, 18:00

As part of the 25 Years Anniversay Programme of the Nordic embassies in Berlin, the Nordic embassies, in cooperation with the University of Oslo and the Henrik Steffens-Professorship am Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, are happy to invite you to this talk and panel discussion.

Crises are disruptions where democracy-as-usual becomes visible and rendered explicit. Crises are key for examining and understanding what we stand to lose if democracy fails. In other words, crises are key events that articulate and make tangible what is at stake in democracy. And what is at stake is trust, nature, and value.

The research project and research group Stakes of Democracy (University of Oslo) researches the democracy-crisis relation by approaching crises as key moments for understanding how democracies work and proceed. The project investigates what is at stake in democracy in times of crises and starts from the hypothesis that Trust, Nature, and Value are key matters of concern and at the core of that is at stake.

Stakes of Democracy ask questions like:

How are trust materialized, sustained and disrupted?

How and by which means is value negotiated and turned into valuation struggles?

What are the little tools and specificities of Nordic Democracies and do such consensus-oriented political cultures act and react in times of crisis?

Prof. Dr. Kristin Asdal, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture
Prof. Dr. Anders Ekström, Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Helge Jordheim, Department of cultural studies and oriental languages, University of Oslo
Prof. Bernd Henningsen, Honorary professor Nordeuropa-Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Dr. Estrid Sørensen, Cultural Psychology and Anthropology of Knowledge, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum.


5:30 pm_Arrival and registration

6 pm_Welcome by the Royal Norwegian Embassy and Axel Berg, Norwegian-German Willy-Brandt-Stiftung

Introduction by Prof. Dr. Kristin Asdal and Prof. Dr. Helge Jordheim

6:15 pm_Panel discussion
Moderated by Prof. Dr. Kristin Asdal

7:15 pm_Q&A

7:30 pm_Reception on the exhibition floor